2003 PNWOF Credits

USA Relay Championships Sponsored By: Tamarack Resort

Advertising Sponsored By: Spokane Sports

Our PHOTO Gallery

Registrar and Webmaster: Sergey Velichko, CTOC, 208-377-4213

Orienteering team, Cle Elum:

Site Co-Directors: Jennifer Knowles (253-845-6588) and Katie Sprugel
Teanaway Forks Courses Designer: Bill Cusworth, 206-271-0652
Lick Creek Courses Designer: Eric Bone, 206-634-2279
Vetter: Don Denbo
Start Crew Chief: Rick Breseman
Finish Crew Chief: Don Atkinson
Registration/First Aid Chief: Sandy Kish Miller

Orienteering team, Fishtrap:

Site Director: Frank Skorina, 509-522-2770
Course Designer: Elis Eberlein
Course Setter: Michel Billaux

Orienteering team, Riverside:

Site Director: John Beck, (509)838-7078
Goat Course Designer: John Harbuck
Trail O Course Designers: Dave Irving and Karen Dennis
Night O Course Designer: Elis Eberlein
Night O Course Vetter: Bill Borrie
Finish/results: Scott Coble
First Aid: Tracy Schoenleber

PNWOF staff would like to acknowledge the Spokane Regional Sports Commission for sponsoring our advertising.

Orienteering team, US Team Sprint:

Course Designer: Eric Bone, 206-634-2279
Course Vetter: Sergey Velichko, 208-377-4213
Finish Crew: Wyatt Riley

Orienteering team, McCall:

Site Director, Recreational Courses, and Course Designer: Sergey Velichko, 208-377-4213
Coordinator and Course Designer: Karin Didisse, 208-634-2623
Finish Crew Chief and Course Designer: Andy Hill, 208-322-1877
Start and Finish Crew: Bob Didisse, Jeff Black, David Bergset, Masha Velichko
Course Consultant: Scott Donald
Sound and Announcements Chief: Mike Schuh

Kean Williams
Dean Vergillo
Ginger Stratton
Masha Velichko
Dana, Ryan, and Kelsey Breseman
John Goodwin

Radio controls:
Heidi Bohn
Margorie Stratton
Larry Stratton
David Ritzenthaler
Sally Dow

PNWOF staff would like to acknowledge Tamarack Resort for sponsoring USA Relay Championships this year.

Photo Gallery

(Place cursor and hold for couple seconds over a photo to get name)

Eric Bone
Bill Cusworth Frank Skorina Elis Eberlein John Beck John Harbuck Wyatt Riley Scott Donald Andy Hill Karin Didisse Bob Didisse Sergey Velichko Jeff Black David Bergset Mike Schuh
Copyright © 2003 PNWOF - This page is mantained by Sergey Velichko
Updated July 01, 2003